Early Spring!

Thank you, Groundhog! As a person diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder and Raynaud’s Phenomenon, I have a vested interest in whether or not my dear friend Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow each year. This year he came through for me and called for an early spring. I immediately went outside and had a picnic. Groundhog Day is the official midway point between the first day of winter (solstice) and the first day of spring (equinox.) Regardless of whether you believe in Phil’s prediction, this means spring is on the way. I find myself simultaneously energized by the longer days and Read More

Adventure 2019!

Do you pick a word or theme for the year? I started this practice several years ago. It is part of an effort to be more intentional and create the life I want to have rather than just letting life happen to me. It started as a casual effort but became a more serious endeavor once I started using the Dragontree Apothecary Rituals for Living Dreambook and Planner (affiliate link.) I love the thought-provoking exercises in the Dreambook section and the practical application of breaking my goals into tasks and scheduling them in my planner. I always feel as though I Read More

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