2021 Second Quarter Goals Update

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We have reached the midpoint of 2021, and that means it is time to check in our how we are doing with the goals we set for the year. This feels like another tough year, so don’t be hard on yourself if you aren’t where you would like to be. It is never too late for a fresh start. Perhaps you could benefit from some goals around rest and self-care. Read on to see how I incorporate those into my goals.

Trina’s Strategies for Goal-Setting Success

The header above is a link to some of my top goal-setting tips. The PDF was put together in collaboration with my oldest kid, who happens to do some graphic design work. I used this to give a Member Moments class in the PBT Institute community. This led to me eventually signing up to be a SELF-Development coach in PBT. You can access my pdf for free and use it for your own goal-setting. I am a huge fan of goal-setting and a total personal development nerd, so if you would like 1:1 coaching, please reach out. I am still working on selling coaching packages on this site, but we can arrange something, if you are interested.

Now, back to an update on how my own goals are going. Blogging about them is one of the strategies I use to hold myself accountable.

Green Typewriter on Brown Wooden Table

My Goal Progress


My goal for this year is another 125 Pure Barre classes. At the end of June, I have 60 for the year, leaving 65 for the back half. I was hoping to be ahead of schedule and planned to bulk up my July classes before tap dance resumes in August. I had a cold that kept me home, then aggravation of my neck injury. These put me a few classes behind, but hitting my goal by the end of the year is still easily within site.

In addition to the Barre classes, I had my tap dance recital during the second quarter. Our dance was challenging, and I should have practiced more, but it went well and I am proud of myself and the other ladies in my class.


During the second quarter, I started coaching as a SELF-Development coach in the PBT Institute community. Of course, I was nervous about starting to coach people who are healing from betrayal. That is serious stuff. My focus as a coach within the community is helping people rebuild their sense of Self, which is something impacted by a betrayal discovery. I know this from my own experience, and I coach from my personal perspective. Being a member of this community was critical to my recovery last year. I am grateful for a chance to pay that forward.

Summer Sleep

I took a few days off work over the solstice. This also happened to be the anniversary of when I had to take off work last year. I’ve learned a lot and healed a lot in the past year. Taking that break and paying extra attention to my sleep schedule helped me get off to a good start this summer. These things are always going to ebb and flow, so it hit me hard a few weeks later. I am still counting it as progress, and it’s a reminder that this is a process and will require continued attention.


I guess you could say that my finances got a boost during this quarter. So, yay! Not much, but there’s that whole example about how one coin makes someone rich, right? I am that much closer. In my previous entry about goals, I mentioned that I wanted to get one of the cars paid off this year, and while that might not happen, I do have a definite end date in 2022 for having one finished. And each month that I pay for the stuff that my ex stuck me with is one month closer to having that paid in full. Each month that I have to pay his portion also feels like another betrayal. Financial betrayal is a very serious kind; hitting someone in their pocketbook is compromising their sense of security. If I was wealthy, it wouldn’t matter, but the fact that it seriously impacts my ability to take care of myself – things like follow-up procedures that I am postponing – well, it just really really sucks. But there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I am taking one step at a time. My immediate needs are met. There have been times in my life when that wasn’t true. I am surrounded by love and support. That has always been true.


I am 11 books ahead of schedule, so hitting my goal should not be a problem. It’s nice to be that far ahead in one area. I am always reading several books at once, and I tend to finish them in waves. This has been a good year for reading so far, and I look forward to the wonderful books that the remainder of the year holds. At the end of June, I had finished 31 books. My goal is 45.

Next Quarter

I have lots of concert tickets in the next couple of months. The first isn’t until July 28th, and that will be my first since the world shut down while I was literally driving on my way to a concert last year. I really miss live music.

I will be reading lots of books! And my Sci Fi book club starts meeting again in August. I am so excited!

I also have lots of home projects and online projects – lots to do. Yet I will continue to focus on my health and getting rest and taking care of myself. That’s my #1 priority. I hope taking care of yourself is your #1 priority, too.

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