Currently Reading – Are you a Multilegerophile?

To the best of my knowledge, and my Google search results, I just made that word up. Multilegerophile: Someone who loves to read multiple books at once. People who paid more attention in Latin class might have a better term for it, but I’m going with this one. On the sidebar of my blog there is a display of my “Currently Reading” shelf on Goodreads. As I write this, there are eight books on that shelf. How many books are too many to read at once? And how long does a book sit idly on the shelf before one is Read More

The Life-Changing Magic Of Literature

or 7 Books That Literally Changed My Life It is undebatable that literature is life-changing, so I will not try to convince you. Oprah would file this under: “What I know for sure.” When I think about my life and the book-related events that have influenced me the most, these are the books that I consistently mention and why: Heidi by Johanna Spyri I don’t think I ever read this book. I won’t swear to it, but I don’t remember reading it. Why would I list a book as being very influential in my life if I don’t remember having Read More

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